Saturday, February 18, 2012

14 Months

Avery keeps growing and growing ... maybe not so much in weight but certainly cognitively and in personality. Maybe it's because I am not around her all the time, but I am constantly surprised by things she does and knows.

This past month, on Super Bowl Sunday, Avery began to walk. The Super Bowl Sunday part will be important to me later when I actually have the time to sit down and fill out her baby book. Before that she had taken a few steps, but that day she just took off. I was SO glad that it happened on the weekend.

Avery went through a period of really disliking her bath. But now if we say, "Avery it's time for a bath," she will toddle to the bathroom and whine until we come in there and start filling up the tub.

She knows a few body parts (head, nose, hands). Every time I ask her where her nose is she points to it and then sticks her little finger right inside. I am NOT sure who taught her this. I know it wasn't me. Ha! I guess kids just pick up on these things and it makes her want to do it even more when I say, "Avery, don't pick your nose." She just laughs and continues to do it.

Just so you know, Avery is NOT a perfect angel. I think she is going to be one of those kids that is perfect other places. At daycare they say she NEVER fusses and is such a joy to be around. I agree, she is so fun to be around. However, at home she throws her food on the floor, makes dents in our table with her sippy cup, and sometimes throws little fits.

From the time she wakes up until the time she goes to bed at night, the girl just does not stop. I think she is like me in that way. She is constantly on the move and will not sit still for anything (except when she is strapped in to her highchair or car seat).

Her favorite toy is definitely her walker/stroller toy. She is FAST! She puts her doll inside and takes it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth down the hall. Her favorite bedtime snacks are prunes and milk. Yes, you heard that right! It is now part of our bedtime routine.

Here is a little video of our little walker.