Monday, November 28, 2011

Uh - Uh - Oh

Here is a sweet little video Avery's Bibi captured this week.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Avery - 11 months

Our sweet Avery is 11 months old!
She was quite the traveler this week as we drove to see both sets of grandparents. I think we drove a total of 1,400 miles, and she did very well for a girl who cries the whole way from daycare home each day.

Hopefully soon I will post some videos/more pictures of her latest milestones. Last week she began walking while holding our hands. She wants to walk a lot back and forth.

She is also becoming quite the talker, saying ma-ma and da-da and uh-uh-oh when she drops a toy.

Let me just say that it is much cuter in person than me typing it on the blog.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Avery: 10 Month Pictures

We just got Avery's pictures! I love them! They turned out great thanks to Laurel at Eilas Photography. She always does a fantastic job. Avery, as I have said before, LOVES to stand and pull up. Isn't she a doll? She is getting SO big SO fast.

I am pretty sure she ate a flower or leaf while taking these shots. The girl LOVES to eat these days. We have to literally stop giving her food. She is eating LOTS of finger foods now. Her favorites are wheat pasta, steamed carrots and cinnamon, cheese, green beans, black beans, blueberries ... well, like I said the girl just likes food.

This is possibly my favorite picture ever of us! I don't get enough time with Avery, but the time I do get is precious. When I get home at night, she is always very playful. She crawls, I chase her, and she laughs and laughs and laughs.

This is a sweet picture of Avery and Matt. Just look at that face. She loves her daddy for sure. She has a special game she plays with him at night too. He puts her on the couch; she rolls around and then off. Good thing dad is always there to catch her. I believe we may have a little "fearless" one on our hands. She and her cousin, Kylie, are going to be GREAT friends!