I feel like I am in the midst of a race right now—a marathon to be exact. Slow and steady wins the race they say. But I seem to be running at full speed—stopping only to catch my breath for a second. Will I cross the finish line or have to stop because my legs turn to jello and can't hold the weight any longer?
So, this is my season of life right now. Today I completed my second week of being back at work since my maternity leave ended. It hasn't been the easiest of transitions. Actually, it is much harder than I expected it to be. I really got used to my role as a wife and mother.
Most of you know that I am a 1st grade teacher. I had only been teaching for one year before I had Avery. Prior to that I worked in children's publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources. During my last year and a half at LifeWay I went back to school to get my Master's of Arts in Teaching. That was a marathon too! I worked 40 hour weeks and went to class all day on Saturday during that time.
Many people who don't understand the education system would say that my job is easy. I mean, I get off on all the major holidays and eight weeks in the summer. I used to be one of THOSE people! :) But, my job doesn't end at 3:30 when school is over. No, especially now when I use my breaks to carry out my "mom duties." I still have stacks of papers to grade, conferences to prepare for, evaluation paperwork to complete, lessons to plan, supplies to gather, construction paper to cut for those cute TN state symbols hats that the kids will make, brainpower to figure out how to get this or that student to master all 50+ standards before the end of the year, parents to communicate with, things to rearrange so that the classroom is more functional, field trips to coordinate, papers to file, and the list could go on.
And then ... find the time to be a good wife and mother ...
Forget the housework, grocery shopping, laundry ...
This is my season right now. It isn't an easy one. And yes, there will be more like them I am sure. I do love that I get to be a part of teaching 17 seven-year-olds each day how to read, how to treat one another, and to motivate them to love learning. But, I miss being able to love on Avery and help her learn, see her smiles, and hear her giggle.
This marathon will be over soon (8.5 weeks to be exact). Then I can catch my breath. Be still before the Lord. Love on Avery. Spend time with my husband. Live. No running. None.